HADE - for better wet gluing technique
Advantages of wet adhesive tape:
- Insensitive to cold, heat, light or moisture
- Maintains sealing strength even if the seal is damaged
- Thread-reinforced variants increase strength of the seal
Wet tape ensures a strong and secure seal on your cartons. Processing is easy even in dusty and dirty environments. Wet adhesive tape can be processed with a stationary device or with a moveable handheld device. The machines and equipment required for processing are handy, easy to transport and robust.
Create clean appearances and customise your wet tape by printing logos or other information on to it.
Perfect protection
Wet adhesive tape creates a permanent organic bond with the cardboard. This connection is "theft-proof" and any unauthorised opening of your packages is guaranteed to be detected.

All major shippers and those in charge of major marketplaces invariably rely on wet adhesive tape. And with good reason. The cardboard is completely recyclable and the uniform image gives the delivery a high quality and professional look and the recipient is satisfied with guaranteed goods.
Wet Tape is a product made entirely from natural materials such as paper and starch, which creates an extremely strong bond when treated with water. The cardboard and tape develop an intensive and irreversible bond. Wet-tape is processed by electronic vending machines or semiautomatic devices, which we can offer exclusively for continental Europe in exclusive distribution on behalf of the American market leader Better Packages.
The following models are currently available:
- Electronic adhesive tape dispenser
- Semi-automatic adhesive tape dispenser
- Gummed tape moistener
Of course, we also supply the wet adhesive tape you require in all specifications and sizes required by the market. Our range of accessories will convince you that HADE is and remains the No. 1 in packaging technology.
- Accessories
- Wet adhesive tape
• Wet tape is 100% environmentally friendly
• Made of natural, biodegradable materials
• Adhesive based on renewable, vegetable substances
Please also look into our special offers and reduced prices. Especially when it comes to the delivery of labels and equipment for the processing of labels and price markers, we can make companies attractive offers for larger quantities. Please contact our Key Account Manager Markus Sichtermann
Markus Sichtermann
Devices and products from HADE
We supply adhesive tape dispensers, labelling technology, pricing, packaging and accessories for the shipping and storage of food. A core component of HADE is the further development and maintenance of products for the processing of wet adhesive tape. Nearly all product lines of the modern packaging industry are part of our product portfolio, and we are happy to focus on the processing of wet adhesive tape in our consulting and customer management. The processing of wet adhesive tape is the area in which company founder Heinrich Dornseifer laid the foundations of our company’s market leadership, as early as the 1930s, through innovative product development. We are the sole importer of equipment and machinery of the US Better Packages Inc. for continental Europe.
Electronic tape dispensers from Better Packages represent the crown of development in this area. We are proud and glad to have been among the selected partners of Better Packages for decades. We also rely on quality and environmental awareness from our suppliers of wet adhesive tape.
We are happy to advise you - HADE is your partner for sales, process optimisation and the maintenance of tape dispensers and label dispensers.